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Progress is slow

Hey there, how are you all doing? Hope everyone is staying safe, looking after their physical, mental, and spiritual health in light of the COV-19 pandemic. It’s kind of scary, but also really interesting to be living through this time and seeing how governments and people are reacting. Here in the Northeast US, I feel like the federal government isn’t doing enough but I do feel like local governments and people are starting to step up. It’s definitely causing a lot of angst, but I’m hoping we can “flatten the curve.” I’m really lucky – I don’t have any underlying health conditions, and I can work from home with ease and was already set up to do so. I worked from home today, and will tomorrow, even though we haven’t officially closed offices. Though today the governor encouraged everyone to WFH, so it’s honestly kind of surprising we haven’t. We’ll see what happens I guess – I just personally feel like there is no need for me to go into the office, especially since I take public transportation, and I am NOT paying Hartford parking feels on top of everything else. This is one place where I can use my privilege- I’m doing everything I can to not be a carrier to other, more vulnerable people. Thinking a lot about the people that don’t have the same luxuries I do and hoping for better times ahead for us all.

Okay, well that was really more than I expected to write, but there you go. It’s the world in which we live I guess. On to the knitting! The biggest thing I’m working on right now is my Valentine’s Day shawl. I finished the second repeat of the hearts, and was really happy with the size, so I started a small edging. Though progress is slow because I tried one edging, got through a few repeats, then decided it was too big and lacy and didn’t go with rest of the shawl, so ripped it out and started over. And the last and only other time I’ve done an applied knit edging was in 2015 so like, I forgot how long they take?? It’s a bit fiddly to keep switching, and each repeat of 12 rows only takes up 6 stitches of the shawl and I have close to 300 I think. So yeah… this will definitely be a labor of love. But I don’t know, I’m not really rushing to finish it. Just enjoying the act of creation on this one.


Oh man, that picture is so satisfying, Hand drawn charts made me happy. I found the pattern online, but wanted a print version to keep track of the repeats and to take it to knitting club or whatever if needed. I have this little graph paper Moleskin notebook that I love so much. Perfect for small little charts like this, I also used it for the Hitofude, which I knit when I didn’t have a printer.

Also, meet Angel! He’s technically my roommate’s cat as she’s responsible for keeping him fed, clean, and happy but he sometimes deigns to hang out with me. Such a handsome boy!

So satisfying

The other major project I’m working on (besides putting in stockinette rows of my Druid circle sweater during WFH conference calls) is a new test knit (surprise, surprise). The pattern is called Noah’s Landing and I found the test through Fiberly. This is an interesting one because the pattern has already been released, but the designer was looking for testers for some larger sizes. This one is very chill, there isn’t even a Ravelry group or anything. The pattern is a summer tank top, and I’m knitting it out of some yarn I bought through Webs. This is my first time working with cotton and bamboo, and I’m liking it. Here’s what I have so far – you knit the body sideways, so this will be going around the body.

Almost three repeats in

So, that’s what’s happening in my life. To end on a lighter note, did you know that COVID-19 can be sung to the tune of “Come on Eileen”? Good luck getting THAT song out of your head for the foreseeable future.

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