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I hit a bit of a wall last night guys. Week 2 of not going out and anxiety around the whole coronovirus situation really started to get to me. I didn’t sleep well and that put me in a bad mood, and then it snowed and rained all day so I was extra cranky. I’m in a better place today but yesteday was a a bit tough. On top of that, all my projects were in a weird place – just fiddle-y enough that I didn’t really want to focus on any of them. So I grabbed some super bulky yarn and cast on an instant gratification hat, after a few conference calls today it was finished!

This was an awesome, fast knit and just what I needed. I received both the yarn and pattern from an Instagram giveaway. It was actually from Tina, the designer I am working on a test knit for! It may seem silly to knit a hat in March, but with the snow it felt appropriate. Not a whole lot to say about it, it’s pretty simple but I loved knitting it! Do you have a palate cleansing project?

Apparently Tomodachi means “friendship” in Japanese, so I also enjoyed reflecting a bit on friendship while I worked on the hat. I’m really happy that I’ve seemed to keep connected with people while not being able to see them in person. I’ve had so many zooms and FaceTimes and Skype video chats, it’s been really awesome. Nothing can replace in person conversation, but I’m really grateful for technology that allows us to connect like this. Here’s some photos from my various convos – family time, coworkers, knitting clubs, theater people, and church! Peep the baby with yarn in the last photo – we start them young in our knitting club!

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