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Ripple Bralette DK # 1 of ??

Hi all! I have another instant gratification knit that I wanted to share. I’ll definitely be working from home for the foreseeable future, even though Connecticut will perhaps start to open up later this month, I don’t see our office going back until at least the fall. There’s just no need to and nothing has really changed virus-wise. So, I’m sure like most everyone else, I’m all about comfort in these times. And what says comfort like no bra or a sports bra? I made one Ripple Bralette (the fingering version) last year and have definitely worn it since being home, but I wanted another one. Jessie released the DK version recently so I dove into stash, found some DK leftovers and before I knew it I had my new favorite undergarment!

The big thing I can say about this is WOW SO FAST. Seriously this was a 48 hour project. The fingering weight version felt like it took me sooo long and I probably made it too short haha. But the DK weight and small size means that this just flew off the needles. Now, I kind of stayed up too late (I think I was knitting around 1am Thursday night into Friday) but yeah, this was a quick knit. The other thing that may not have made a huge difference in actual time spent but made it feel like it went faster was that I did the two front pieces and icords two at a time. You can sort of see that in the second photo above. Yes, this means it did probably take longer to see inches of progress but for me it helped to not have the like “ugh I have to do a whole other side” mindset hanging over my head.

Not a whole lot to say about this – it’s a bra, it’s cozy, it’s squishy, I loved making it and I want to make a lot more! I posted the top photo on my Instagram story and got a lot of compliemnts and even requests to make some of these for people! I would definitely like to do so, these are such quick knits anyway and the friends who asked are both smaller than me so yay even faster lol! It’s definitely a bit odd to post a picture like this on the internet but I actually feel really confident and cool while wearing this thing.

Other than that things are going pretty well. I had a really great weekend – the beautiful weather really helped my mood! On Saturday I took a nice long walk around the cemetery that is behind my condo. It sounds a bit morbid but it’s a great place to walk because it’s easy to stay away from people and there’s a bunch of different paths/ways you can go. And then yesterday I spent most of the day on my porch. I did church, a church meeting, and FaceTime with my family out there as well as just sat and knit. I’m working on the socks I brought to Spokane and think those will be the next thing I finish! Yesterday I put in the afterthought heels and now I’m just considering how long I want to make them before doing the ribbing.

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