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YOP 20/21 – Week 5

Hello everyone! Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. On Sundays I try to blog about my Year of Projects projects. Year of Projects is a group of bloggers on Ravelry who each come up with a list of what they hope to work on over a 12 month period, and then blog about getting those finished. This is the group’s first year, but my first. You can see the projects I’m working on here.

This week I was soley working on my Ranch Coat, and you can definitely tell! The cardigan has three main sections with cable patterns, and I just started the second one. There’s still a ton of knitting to do, but I’m definitely making progress! Yesterday at knitting club, my friend and I were both working on our sweaters using this yarn, and we were wearing matching masks made by another member of our group.

One of the things I said when I started YoP was that I wasn’t trying to put too much on there so I would be open to test knits and new designs that caught my fancy. And, well, one of my favorite designers, Tina Tse put out a call for a new test and I applied and got selected! It’s for a tshirt and I’m knitting in the recommended yarn, which is a Merino/linen blend which I’m really excited to try! The yarn is coming tomorrow, so I’ll probably shift over to working on that primarily for a bit. This morning I’m workin on plugging everything into Excel so I can jump right in once I have the yarn!

Have a great week everyone!!

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