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Joy Mitts – YoP 20/21 – Week 21

Hello everyone – happy Sunday – wow I can’t believe American Thanksgiving is this week! On Sundays I post updates on my Year of Projects plans. YoP is a Ravelry group of bloggers who make a plan (or in my case, vauge guideline) for the year and then blog about their progress.

Lots of progress was made this week, I did finish the Anders sweater for my sister’s friend, but it’s drying now and I want to get nice photos of it once the buttons are on. I finished late Friday night, and then yesterday I was in a colorwork and finishing mood, and so I picked up my Joy mitts to see if I could make the second this weekend, and well I spent all day making it so now I have a finished pair of mitts!

I love these bi pride mitts! This was my first time making an Ysolda pattern, and I really liked how she noted that she wanted to include the flags explicitly but they don’t look too out there. This is one of those like “if you know, you know” patterns which I quite like as someone who is still working on being openly out and proud. The pattern itself is very satisfying to make. The first inch is VERY INTENSE, with a provisional cast on, insarsia, and double knitting, but if you just stick through and follow the pattern the results will be worth it. The pattern comes with templates for the rainbow and trans pride flags in addition to the bi pride one.

Finishing the Anders sweater meant I finished 30 projects this year, and the mitts are #31! This is exciting to me. The most projects I’ve knit in a year was 23 (in both 2015 and 2016), but none of those were garments. The fact that I made 3 full sweaters and 3 tops in addition to other projects is super awesome! I mean, the reason it happened like that is, yah know, global pandemic, but silver lining, right? right?!?

Today I’ve been working a bit on my slipstravaganza shawl, because it’s what I had ready at hand for chuch, church meeting, and Blogville knitters meetup, but I think this week I’m going to cast on a shawl for my friend for her wedding. What are you working on this week? Do you have a long weekend to be able to have some relaxing crafting time, and if so what do you plan to do with it?

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