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FO Friday – Wee Envelope

Happy Friday lovely people! It’s been a good week over here, four days of work are always nice but they were pretty jam packed, which for me is generally a good balance. Speaking of work, I’ve mentioned a few times that the Wee Envelope I was making was for a coworker’s soon to be baby. Well, I found out yesterday that the baby was being induced today, so I had to get cracking on finishing this off! I was actually pretty close, I had been working on this, Princess Fiona, and a new cast on of socks every day this week, so I was moving along. I picked up the body on Monday, and had done an inch or so the next two days, so all that was left to do yesterday was to knit a few inches of stockinette and then a short garter edge and then I was done! I just realized that this is my first FO post in just about 3 months. I’m so excited to finally have a finished project I can show off here!

I really loved making this sweater! The construction was so much fun and so clever! I won’t give too much away because it is a paid pattern, but you make the sleeve and yokes as one seamless piece and then just knit the body down from there. It’s one of those patterns that as you start you’re just kind of like ummm…. ok?!? but trust the pattern and it will all work out. The buttons at the opening make it so practical for babies, so you can open it up to get it over the head and then rebutton it to keep it from flopping around. I did an ok job sewing the buttons, even though it was like 9pm and fiddly finishings are not my favorite thing in general.

I’m maybe slightly dubious about the color of this one – it reads very pink in some lights but very orange in others. When I bought the yarn for this, I didn’t know the gender, so I went with this as potentially more unisex. I don’t doubt my coworker’s kid, who will be a boy, can rock this color, as I’ve seen the dad wear similarly bright colors, but the dad is a ginger. So… may not be the best color for this child but hopefully still a loved object!

I’m generally really happy with my knitting right now. Like I said before, I’ve got a few projects in the works and I’m trying to work on all of them a little each day. It’s not something I’ve really done before, and I’m liking breaking them up like this. I haven’t gotten squirrelly yet about not seeing enough progress in any one thing, which sometimes happens. I’ll show off more pics in my Year of Projects update on Sunday.

This weekend will include a church meeting tonight, knitting and fabric shopping Saturday, and actually attempting something like a choir at church Sunday. Plus lots of knitting in general! What are you up to this weekend? Were you able to show off a FO for FO Friday today?

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