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OMG Overalls – YOP 20/21 – Week 50

Ok this is a day late, but I have a good reason! I was trying to get a nicer photo of this project, but of course today it’s been cloudy and rainy all day and it’s not much better… So anyway, this is a Year of Projects post. This year is almost over, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know the others from the Ravelry group and attempting to follow my plan of projects for the year.

I think I mentioned this last week, but yesterday my knitting club got together and sewed some overalls!

These are the Otis Overalls from Sew Liberated. If I’m being honest, I fully expected to fail at making these. While I did sew that shirt last week, and I had been trying to do some more sewing this year in general, and I have sewn some garments like 10 years ago, this just seemed very intense and above my skill level. Sew Liberated wrote a great patten with step by step instructions, and also a video sew along with visuals of everything. And this actually made it MORE intimidating, because there were just a lot of things I didn’t understand or things that looked fiddly and difficult. But, as you can see, I succeeded. Now, I needed a TON of help from my friend Leah who had made this pattern before, there’s no way I would have finished these on my own.

All the little ends in this pic have now lovingly been trimmed

The fabric I used is kind of unknown – I got it from my local fabric store, Affordable Fabrics. This place is great and lives up to its name, it is very affordable, but the tradeoff of that is that nothing is labeled so I have no idea of the fiber content or anything. It’s definitely got a pretty high level of synthetic, as it did not take a press very well. The best way I can describe it is kind of like dress pant fabric, but a little stiffer? It was relatively easy to sew with, and there was only a few times that being able to iron it more aggressively would have been helpful. It’s a little hard to see in photos, but there’s subtle while streaks throughout this fabric.

I basically sewed these in one day, though I cut out all the pattern pieces prior to yesterday, and I had prepped the straps, waist ties, and pockets. There is a front pocket in the pattern, but I’m not sure if I’ll sew it on or not. I arrived at Leah’s house at around 9 and left at 6, so it was a full day of sewing and if you make these I would plan more than one day. There are definitely fiddly parts, but with the help of the instructions and videos it’s definitely doable, even for a relative beginner. One of the first things you make are the inseam pockets, which look great, but are definitely very intense!

Fitwise, I might have been able to go down a size? I made the size 24. I have to cinch them a lot in the back, though it’s a pretty forgiving pattern because of that cinching. I didn’t see the finished measurements until after I had cut out all the pattern pieces, and had I done I think I would have picked size 22. I may still bring in the straps a little bit so I’m more comfortable with where it sits on the back. The pattern was drafted for 5’5″, so I took an inch off the legs, but probably could have left it in there. I still struggle a little with figuring out what size to make things, as most measurements have waist measurements for my bust size that are significantly smaller than mine, so I usually go up bust sizes to accommodate, which means that it fits looser in the chest. Not so much a problem on these overalls since it’s just a bib, but you could definitely see that type of thing in the shirt I made last week. That’s one of the reasons I want to try and sew more, so that I can get better at fitting things to fit my shape.

I now kind of want to sew ALL THE THINGS! This project definitely had the benefit of helping me expand my skills, especially around different types of hems/ seams, and pockets, and gave me some more confidence in sewing things. It’s definitely a bit more physically exhausting than knitting, especially the cutting part. I actually bought knee pads because doing all that cutting was VERY uncomfortable. I can see myself working on a sewing project over the course of the weekend. I think I might put in an order to print off these patterns next, and we’ll go from there: Spinifex PJs, Strata Top, and Zadie Jumpsuit. Do you have any good sewing projects you’re working on?

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