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FO Friday – Rhinebeck Outfit Edition!

Happy Friday! I only worked two days this week but it definitely feels like I need a weekend again! :p

I’m really excited for today’s post – I finally have a completed Rhinebeck outfit that I can show off as a whole unit!

I really like this sweater! I think I maybe could have gone a size down, but if it’s a little big it can go over things, like this dress! I also kind of wish I had chosen a different yarn, because it’s hard to see the lace detail with this dark color. But my friend group all makes sweaters with the same yarn, so the Rhinebeck sweater was always going to be this purple. When we chose this yarn and saw they had sport weight, I immediately thought of this pattern, which I’ve had in my library since 2016. It was one of the first sweaters I ever favorited and thought about making, but never got around to it because it was hard to find sport weight yarn that I wanted to use for a sweater. So I kind of decided to make this one without fully thinking about how it would work with the lace. Overall though I do really like the a-line shaping and set in sleeves, so even without the lace it’s a nice well made staple sweater that I think I’ll get a lot of wear out of.

I am so so so excited to wear this to Rhinebeck next weekend! My friends and I are going for the day Sunday. We drive down early and spend most of the day there before coming back, it’s about a 2 hour drive each way. I feel like I’ve said this a lot on this blog, but I am so incredibly thankful for this awesome group of knitting/ crafty friends I’ve found. I can’t wait to actually wear our matching sweaters together in person this year. Our pics from last year were nice, but it will be so much more awesome to actually take them at Rhinebeck! My friend Jen again bought us these little markers to show off that it’s the official Reinbeck sweater. And seriously, the whole dress thing would not have been possible without their helping me and pushing me. As our craft focuses and obsessions’ change and shift we continue to support each other and get excited about what we’re working on, and it’s just an awesome environment to be in.

I know I’ve talked a little bit about the dress in the last post, but I’m very happy with how that turned out as well. I made some tiny edits to the original version I made, but it’s not too much different. The shoulder seams are definitely wonky because of the tutorial I tried, and if I’m being fully honest the fabric is probably a little stiff for this pattern, but it definitely makes me feel good to have a full outfit of items I made myself!!

I’ve recently been watching a lot of dress history and general sewing YouTube content. I did used to have a knitting podcast on YouTube, and so I thought it might be fun to film a little bit of my process! So I’ve edited some of that into a slightly chaotic vlog which you can find below! (or here, if the embedding isn’t working) There’s also some better videos of the dress itself on its own instead of under the sweater. I hope you enjoy, let me know if this is fun for you and I might try something like it again (no promises though!). I did have a good time making it, which is what counts right?

Are you heading to Rheinbeck this year? If not, and you’ve gone in the past, do you make a special sweater or outfit for it? On the chance you’ll be there Sunday, send me a note!

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