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Various Thoughts on a Friday

In my last post, I kind of mentioned how I hadn’t really been feeling motivated to write a fancy blog post on here with photos and links and stuff. And that’s still true. But today I was reading though a blog friend’s old posts (I do that sometimes, I hope it’s not creepy!!) and I was reminded that to get back into something, you just need to do it. Just write something, even if it’s not as good or pretty or fancy as you want it to be. So here it is, a random blog post of random thoughts.

I’ve been very monogamously working on one of two test knits I’ve been selected for (oops!). This is the Cempasúchil top by Magali McDonald, known as theknityorker on various social media sites. It’s a slightly vintage-y feeling textured tee, and so far I’ve made the sleeves and am almost done with the bottom ribbing. I haven’t done this sweater construction before. I made one bottom up sweater in like 2017 into 2018, but it was fully seamed. On this one you attach the sleeves and decrease, so I’m excited to try that out!

In other knitting news I’ve slightly revamped my st per day spreadsheet to focus more on meeting a yearly goal rather than a rolling 365 day goal. I actually realized that even though I’m currently over 1M stitches, I have to keep a pretty good clip if I want to end the year with 1M. I have to knit about 3K st per day right now, which is more than the 2.7 K per day goal I started the year with. It’s a little weird to see my rolling 365 day so high, but I had a very stitch filled November and December last year, so those days were boosting up my rolling 12 #s but as they fall off the rolling 12 count goes down. The hope is that by shifting the focus to a goal to meet a yearly stitch count, I can worry less about what happened last year and not feel like I need to keep up so much. I’m actually thinking about making next year’s stitch goal a little less, it’s been causing me some stress to have my daily goal be 3K right now. I know it’s silly to worry about stitch counts AT ALL, but I really like being able to see and track what I do. I think it’s due to what I do at work right now being more strategy based then project based, so it’s a lot harder for me to see progress, and so I focus on this because it’s a place where I can measure productivity. But then I think that measuring productivity for knitting is silly because it’s a hobby. But the fact that I’ve put hours into building a tool and have consistently done something (tracking my knitting) for almost 16 months in a row now brings me a lot of joy.

ANYWAY, that was a ramble. See what you get when I don’t try and make fancy pretty posts? I hope those of you in America had a good Thanksgiving with family and friends if that’s you’re thing. We had a nice little family gathering with way too much food as is our way.

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