Christmas Decorations – YOP 20/21 – Week 23

Hope everyone has had a nice weekend. Since it’s Sunday, I’ll be writing about my Year of Projects goals. YoP is a super-supportive Ravelry group of bloggers who plan (or in my case, prioritize) a year’s worth of projects and then blog about their progress. My plan can be found here.

On the knitting front, I actually have very little progress to share. Well, I did a lot of knitting, but it doesn’t look like too much. On the left, you’ve got the pieces of my Dumpster Fire ornament. I cast this on yesterday in a lovely call with Marilee, her mom, and Sarah. I finished the knitting this afternoon and will probably assemble it tomorrow or Tuesday. On the right, you’ve got the Slipstravagnza shawl. I’ve actually been doing some measuring and weighing, and it looks like I’m not going to have enough MC to do all 6 stripes. So I think I’m going to go off script a bit. I’ll make the 4th stripe as one small stripe of each color, then bind off. So even though it’s a HUGE bind off, I am hoping to finish this off this week! I have tomorrow and Tuesday off, so I think that’s definitely possible! I’m super excited to block and wear this, but I still haven’t decided what big thing I’m going to knit next. Oh well, that’s a problem for future Kathryn.

Since there’s not too much on the project front, I thought I would share a few photos of the place decked out for the holidays! My roommate and I decorated last night. We were able to buy a special from one of my favorite local breweries, which came with a wreath, a four pack of chocolate stout, and a really cool glass! Also check out my great grandmother’s vintage sewing machine, which I am using as a decoration table haha. One day I will get around to restoring it. The sewing machine is still there, I think it should generally work with some cleaning and a new belt.

Have a great week everyone! Are you doing anything to prep for the holidays?


  1. Chocolate Stout!! I’ll be right over! Yum. I also like espresso porters. Your Christmas decorations look terrific. Your shawl looks great. Thought of you today as I watched Roxanne Richardson’s video from Friday. She also uses excel to count stitches. 🙂

  2. Your decorations are sweet. The stockings on the mantel are always a favorite of mine. That shawl is gorgeous. Good job making all the way to the end of it.

  3. I am loving your tree and decorations. My tree is trimmed with the lights only. I had my children over and they have always done the tree but this year declined so I guess I will have to do it myself sometime soon. So far I am diligently working on my knitted gifts. Almost done with the last one-I will be sad to finish it truth be told.

  4. Your home looks beautifully decorated. My husband would love that beer I’m sure, he has a beer advent calendar and is in a craft beer club that send international craft beers each month. Your colours on your shawl are (to me) the nicest I have seen of the people I follow doing this pattern. I’m sure it will be super wearable with any colour..

    1. Thank you so much! It took me so long to decide on colors but I’m really happy with what I chose.
      Ooh a beer advent calendar sounds amazing! I’ll have to see if there’s any in the states next year

  5. Your place looks amazing! Super cosy without being too over-the-top. We still have to decorate everything … and CLEAN beforehand … Sigh … But we’ll get to it. Does the kitty approve of the tree?

    1. Thank you! Yeah Angel doesn’t mind the tree at all! He spends most of his time upstairs away from it anyway
      My family always decorated on like December 20th (mom being a pastor makes it hard to do stuff during Advent) so you have plenty of time!

  6. What lovely decorations! I have to start this week. I also love the dumpster fire ornament. I may have to buy that! Too cute! Your sewing machine is gorgeous. I have one but not in that good of shape and no sewing machine and no drawers. Your shawl is turning out lovely and so glad you were able to figure out how to finish it up with a yarn shortage! Your brewery Christmas package sounded great! Have a great week and enjoy your days off!

  7. Sounds like a great little bundle from the brewery! And I love the sewing table, even if the machine needs some TLC before it will work. Vintage things like that which have personal connection are always so special.

    Good luck with that monster bind-off! I have a big (though only about 1/3rd as big) bind-off I’m planning to do today as well. I cast-on a last minute gift shawlette last week, and need get it finished and blocked in time to mail.

      1. I made it! Luckily crochet bind-offs feel easier to me than knitted ones (I think it’s because it’s easier for me to stop part-way through if I need to?) so I was able to get it finished. Now for a wash and a block…

  8. All your decorations are really getting me in the mood to … decorate! Especially love the nativity on that antique Singer cabinet. what a treasure! my favorite thing, though, just might be that stout 🙂 Cheers to a great week!!

  9. I am laughing out loud at the Dumpster Fire ornament. How perfectly appropriate. A good way to end this crazy year with a sense of humor. You have a beautiful place, and I love the use of your grandmother’s sewing machine table. What a wonderful piece.

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