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Actual Knitting Progress – YoP 20/21 – Week 47

Hello everyone! Happy Sunday! Coming at you today with a Year of Projects post, though my list has definitely gone up in smoke! I am thinking about if/ how I want to do YoP next year, with only 4 more weeks left in this YoP year. I definitely like the idea of blogging every Sunday and reading what everyone else in the Ravelry group is up to, but I have a hard time committing to specific projects. I just get so taken away by test knits or new things that come up or projects I’ve decided I really want to make. So I’m putting some thought around how my YoP list could be a bit more general or allow me to check things off (because I do love the satisfaction of that!) while still allowing myself to work on whatever strikes my fancy.

This week, I am excited to show you actual knitting progress! It’s not that much because I still am spending a lot of time on my smaller test knit (though that’s halfway done, yay!), but I did feel the need to cast something on that was simpler and something I could actually share!

It’s not a whole lot to look at yet, but this is the Wee Envelope by Ysolda Teague. I absolutely LOVE the construction of this sweater. It is genius and I’m really enjoying knitting it. My coworker and his wife are about to have a baby, which I knew about in like.. March but oops giant test knits. So I’m trying to work on that in bits and pieces when I need a break from tiny cables. I have to be careful though or I’ll never finish the test knit because I just want to work on this all the time – baby knits are so precious and adorable!

Yesterday I had absolutely no plans, so I actually ended up going to a local brewery and sat outside for a few hours enjoying a flight, knitting, and a book! It was really lovely. And then today my college roommate came over for a few hours and we made a delicious pasta and veggie salad. We used to cook together a lot pre-COVID so it was so nice to be able to do that together again since we’re both vaccinated.

I did go back to work this week too, which I personally really, really, needed. I know it’s not for everyone right now but I needed the structure and to get used to the commuting and being in the office before also needing to do that with people. I also really missed just being in Hartford. I just really love the city, even though it’s small and has its issues. While I don’t regret moving from my apartment in November 2019 (trying to live there during COVID would have been awful) I just missed walking around the park, or visiting the library or the art museum on my lunch break. While being in the office is still a little odd, I was the only one on my entire floor which usually has 50+ people, I am really so excited to get back to these things and being in the office just brings a sense of focus to me that I really need at work right now.

I am vaguely hopeful that next week I will have more progress that can actually be shown off, and I’ll probably pop in for an Unraveled Wednesday post this week too, as I’ve definitely been in a reading mood recently! Hope everyone has a good week!

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