1/4 FO Friday!

25% done!

So I did a lot of square knitting the past few days! I realized that I need to start making a baby blanket for a friend, and I’m getting the yarn tomorrow. So since I’m not really feeling any of my current WIPs, I figured I’d see if I could finish off this quadrant! Earlier this summer I decided I would split the blanket into 4 10×12 sections, so that the decrease lines would meet in an X in the middle, all the edges would be cast on edges, and it would be easier to knit as it got bigger. I’m happy to have finished this quadrant off, and I hope each successive one doesn’t take the 5.5 years this one took. 😂 I’ve already started the second quadrant so I keep some momentum going.

If you’re in the US, I hope you enjoy your long weekend! I’ll be seeing a few friends and generally relaxing.


  1. Congratulations on 25%!! I don’t know if you always had such a great plan for knitting the squares (probably, right?), but I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that the rest of it will go more quickly – you can do it!! 🙂 (Have you already decided on a pattern for your friend’s blanket, btw?)

    1. I decided on this plan about a month ago, so it’s definitely a newer thing!
      Not yet! I’m now not getting the yarn till tomorrow, so maybe I’ll do some research today, I haven’t really looked.

  2. Ooh, it’s looking awesome! Congrats on bing a quarter of the way done!

    I’ve been thinking lately about knitting my scrap blanket in quadrants too, because I thought it would be neat to have the decreases all pointing inwards. Funny how we came to the same idea… great minds think alike! Though I’ve also been trying to decide if it would be better to knit it in quarters and then seam/crochet join them together, or to join as I go, just for different directions. I’m not nearly as far along with my blanket, though, so I have time to decide.

    1. Great minds and all that 😂 I can’t quite conceive of how I would get the X I want and also join as I go so I’m committed to the seaming plan. I think if I attach each quadrant as I finish it it hopefully won’t be too bad!

      1. That does make sense! I don’t really want to change the look of the blanket by doing a crochet join, and I think that doing it as I knit would probably involve some kind of three-needle bind-off that would be more complicated than it would need to be, so if I decide to do it I’d probably just seam it also. 😀

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